Astronomy Answers: The Starry Sky: 12:00 Hours Sidereal Time

Astronomy Answers
The Starry Sky: 12:00 Hours Sidereal Time

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This page shows the starry sky for 50° north latitude at 12 hours sidereal time. It is approximately 12 hours sidereal time at 12 hours local time at the end of September, at 6 hours local time at the end of December, at 0 hours local time at the end of March, and at 18 hours local time at the end of June.

The black disk indicates the sky, in stereographical projection. The circle at the outer edge of the disk is the horizon. The middle of the disk is the zenith. North is up, east to the left, south at the bottom, and west to the right. The white dots are stars of magnitude 3.5 and brighter. The larger the dot, the brighter the star.

The patterns of the constellations are indicated with blue lines between the stars. The official latin name of the constellations is also indicated in blue.

The white line indicates the celestial equator (declination 0°) from the equatorial coordinate system. The red line indicates the ecliptic (ecliptical latitude 0°) from the ecliptical coordinate system. The ecliptic is the approximate path of the Sun, Moon, and planets. The purple line shows where the Milky Way is.

At 12 hours sidereal time, the star Betelgeuse in Orion is low in the west. The Big Dipper (part of the official constellation of the Great Bear [Ursa Major]) is almost straight overhead (in the zenith). The "W" of Cassiopeia is low in the north. The Lion (Leo) with the star Regulus is in the south. The star Spica in the Virgin (Virgo) is to the lower left of the Lion. The stars Deneb in the Swan (Cygnus) and Vega in the Lyre (Lyra) are in the north east. The star Arcturus in Bootes is to the lower left of the Great Bear. The Milky Way gets only about 45° above the horizon and runs in a great arc from the northeast through the north to the southwest.


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Last updated: 2021-07-19